
Sunday, March 4, 2012

More Things I LOVE (the knit addendum)

We went through my top crochet items a couple of weeks ago. Most of those can be placed on my favorite knit items list as well. However, I must add a few things for that list to properly reflect both of my needlework passions. So here they are:

1.  My bamboo needles -- Yes, I could go on ad nauseum about how much I adore my bamboo needles. One major reason I like them so much is that I generally work on scarves because I'm still a newbie knitter. My bamboo set is 8" long which is the perfect length for scarves and the perfect length for my arms. I find 10" to be a bit less comfortable and 14" to be difficult to manage while lazing on the couch.

2.  My Boye/Simplicity accessories kit -- I picked up this kit for cheap at Michael's and it's been a sanity saver. It contains almost everything I need including a pouch that's big enough that I could add the accessories I already owned. Now everything is in one place and I'm less likely to lose my stuff.
Added 3/20/12:  I've gotten this question a couple of times now, so I thought I'd add the answer. What's in the kit and what did I add? Well, the pic shows everything in the kit, but I'll list them. You get locking stitch markers in two colors, a 60" tape measure, 2 pairs of point protectors (1 large, 1 small), 2 plastic darning needles, a small stitch counter, a stitch holder (which doubles as a shawl pin in a pinch), and a 3 in 1 tool that acts as a knit and needle gauge and converts for yardage. I added more point protectors, a couple more row counters (one that works on circulars and larger needles), and a cable needle.

3.'s knitting abbreviations glossary -- Since I am a completely self-taught knitter with no IRL knitter friends, I continuously rely on this site for instruction and help. Their glossary features links to videos so I can learn techniques without searching all over youtube (which is wonderful, but not as good). AND I'm a Continental knitter, not an English knitter, so double their goodness because features virtually all of their videos in both methods.

4.  HULU -- I don't watch much TV. Pretty much whatever television programming I watch is on and lately I'm kind of hooked on Grimm and Once upon a Time. I don't really watch when I'm crocheting because I'm usually also designing and need to pay close attention, take notes, etc. When I knit, I knit for me, and most of that involves following a repetitive pattern, so I can zone out, knit, and watch.

5.  Ravelry -- I know I've already mentioned them in this series, but this site has been instrumental in encouraging my knitterly tendencies. Because I can search patterns so many different ways and store them all in my favorites list, I'm never at a loss for that next project. It's as close as my laptop. Whether I want to learn a new technique, find a simple rectangle to keep my hands busy while I watch HULU, or just browse and fantasize that my knit abilities are further developed than they really are, I can do it on Ravelry. And I'll say it again:  The BEST thing about Ravelry is that they're based in the Boston area. Wicked Pissah.

There you have it! Five more things (okay 4 more, but who's counting?) to add to that favorites list. Is there anything I'm missing? Feel free to post in the comments.

Happy Knitting!

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