"No matter how terrified you may be, own your fear and take that leap anyway because whether you land on your feet or on your butt, the journey is well worth it."
-- Laurie Laliberte
"If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough."
-- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."
-- Anais Nin

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to Get a Free Hat Pattern

Big Girl Hat #1
I don't always wear my heart on my sleeve here on the blog. I post very few personal items online in general, unless they pertain to my work. So not many people know that I lost a friend to cancer earlier this year. We weren't the closest of friends; Stephanie was my best friend's sister. But we had known each other, through her sister, for about fifteen years and had become faraway friends of a sort, connecting at family gatherings and chatting online.

Anyhow, I don't necessarily have the resources to make a grand gesture in her honor, but there is something I can do: crochet and design. That's where you all come in.

I currently have three different pdf hat patterns available: 
  1. The Big Girl Hat #1 which is posted on Ravelry and on the blog for free
  2. The Astro Hat which is listed as a men's hat but is really unisex
  3. The Simple Earth Hat which is also a unisex style
Now, except for promotions and classes, I normally don't offer pdf's of the Big Girl (or Blog Collection*) patterns because I post them here on the blog at no charge, but I'm including the Big Girl Hat as a pdf for this purpose.

Here's how to get one or all of the pdf patterns absolutely free of charge:

Pledge to make and donate a minimum of two hats as "chemo caps." That's it. It really is that simple. No kidding.

Simply leave a comment below and make sure I can get your email address easily. That is to say your profile will allow me to collect your address or you put it in your comment in a way that a spammer can't easily harvest it. For instance, my older email is BigGirlJewelry at yahoo dot com. Don't forget to tell me which pattern(s) you would like. I will email the file as quickly as possible. Expect an email from downloads at Ravelry dot com within 48 hours.

Simple Earth Hat
on my older nephew
But remember, the first two that you make from the pattern should be donated, preferably as chemo caps, but if you want to give them to a homeless shelter or simply throw them in with your next donation to Goodwill, be my guest. Yes, I will send all three patterns if you request all three, but then I will expect you to make and donate six hats.

And please be honest. After the two hats, your obligation is done. Make a bunch for family and friends...for your Etsy shop...for your cat...

One more thing! I want to see pictures. Email pics to me at the address above. I will do a blog post in the future, probably early in the new year, to show off your handiwork.

But I don't know where to send them! Do you have any recommendations?

Astro Hat
on my younger nephew
I'm glad you asked. Stephanie spent a whole lot of time at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. And an online buddy of mine started the Teal Hat Project a couple of years ago. Why not start there?
Added 9/26/12:  Halos of Hope also provides crafted hats to chemo patients. (Thank you for the suggestion, Jessica!)

But what if this post is out of date?

That one's not going to be an issue for a while, but if you happen to come across this post say, six months, a year, even five years after I've posted it, fear not. I will honor this offer for the life of this blog...unless it outlives me. Further, any other hats I design in the future will be included as well.

Happy Crocheting!

*As I transition away from the Big Girl Jewelry label, you will begin to see my items renamed to The Blog Collection by Laurie Laliberte Designs. Fear not, the Blog Collection will continue to be available here at no charge to my readers.

To reiterate: You are pledging to make two hats for each pattern you request. Four hats are available as of 1/8/2013. If you request all four patterns, I would expect that you would make and donate eight hats, two of each pattern. Also, I specifically request that you do NOT email your requests to me. Leave a comment below in the comments section. Emailed requests are not likely to be answered as this is not my main email account.


  1. I pledge to donate the first two hats made! Thank you for sharing the pattern and best wishes for a great week.

    I would like the Big Girl Hat #1.

    Thanks again.

    1. I just sent it from the Big Girl Jewelry email. Thank you for participating!

  2. I would love to get..and, yes, donate!...all three patterns. Please send to cblack5no6 at yahoo dot com...much appreciated!!

    1. Thank you so much for your participation. I would love to see your finished objects. I want to show them off to my readers, maybe in January or February?

  3. Laurie, I would love all 3 patterns please! My mother and sister and an awesome bunch of ladies at Eva's Yarn Studio in Fairhaven Massachusetts just donated 118 hats to pediatric cancer patients here in Bangor Maine, where my son is currently being treated for leukemia. They have expressed a need and want for more quality caps and crochet hat designs that are nice are not very easy to come by, but so much faster to make than their knitted counterpart! I love all of your kitchen patterns, I am sure the hat patterns will be just as wonderful! Love the blog! email is jessicalanders28 at yahoo dot com. Might be in your list already from purchases through ravelry. Thanks for doing this and so sorry about your friend.

    1. Hey Jessica! I definitely recognize your name from purchases. I just sent the patterns to you via Ravelry and my BigGirlJewelry address.

      Again, I wish you the best and hope for your son's speedy recovery.

      Thank you as well for your participation. BTW, as you can see, the hats are all adult sizes, but I'm sure you and the other crafty ladies could use a finer yarn and smaller hooks for child sizes.

    2. Thanks so much! We actually are in need of adult sized hats for the pediatric oncology clinic, seems people forget about all the teenagers and just make baby hats! We are getting the word out there though, also Halos of Hope always takes any size hats! I have already made the astro hat and put in a project on Ravelry, I am not sure how to get the pics here for you though :(

    3. You're right, we do forget the teens. Thank you for that reminder. And thank you for the suggestion of Halos of Hope. I'm going to edit the post to include a link to their website.

      As far as pics, so long as I have your permission to use yours (including the one of your son,) I can harvest them right from your Ravelry post. If I may, I'd like to use his pic here in place of the one of my nephew, or along with it.

      Thank you again for your inspiration.

    4. Yes, you certainly may use my sons photo on the blog. His name is Jacob, he is 13 and was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia February 29th of 2012, when he was 12. He is currently in remission and in the last heavy round of chemo now, soon to go into maintenance therapy.

      Laurie, thank you so much for doing this, it is so kind to donate patterns for this cause!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! We give what we can, right? I'm pretty sure you already have all of them.

  5. I pledge to make 6 hats to donate to my local hospital if you can please send me all three patterns. This is such a wonderful thing you are doing! My email is juhaoneill at gmail dot com. I really appreciate it! P.S. I LOVE your chai tea latte recipe! :)

    1. Confession: The original version of the Chai tea recipe came from the Stash tea catalog, I think. This is my version based on experimentation.

      I have to thank all of you for participating. The same family lost another member about two weeks ago, not to cancer, but to the effects of treatment. This time it was my BFF's husband's stepfather, Charlie. Again, not someone with whom I was very close, but it's a sad situation nonetheless. He was a great guy and this family means the world to me.

      So the fact that you all have embraced this idea means so much, you can't even know.

      Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  6. Hi Laurie. Thank you for the offer. I would like all 3 patterns. I pledge to make at least 2 of each pattern I have already started to make chemo hats to donate to a local hospital in memory of mymother who was treated there for over 6 years along with some fingerless mittens for staff. I will gladly send pics. I am mostly a beginning level knitter and crocheter and tend to look at patterns and beautiful yarns more than I actually make anything so this is a big project for me..thank you so much. My email is n2scent at Aol dot com

    1. Hi Connie. Your patterns are already on their way.

      I'm really sorry about your mom. It's an honor to be a part of her memory.

  7. What a beautiful way to honor your friend. The stories that people are sharing in their posts are heartwarming as well. I would love the BIG GIRL HAT #1 pattern. I promise to donate two as chemo caps. Porpentine2 at yahoo dot com. Thank you so much!

    1. ACK! I'm really sorry. My old laptop died about a week ago and I lost all the pdfs of the Big Girl collection patterns until I can get it repaired or retype them. (I bought a new one, but plan to use the oldie as backup.)

      Figures, right? I knew there was a group of files I forgot when I did all my backups. I'd be happy to send you either of the other two patterns or get back to you later this week with the Big Girl Hat pattern.

      (I will send this message via email as well just in case you don't see my reply here.)

    2. DUH! I just had a brainstorm. I need to do that more often. I was able to harvest the file from an old email! YAY! That means I don't have to retype it.

  8. I would like to use these patterns in conjunction with my church's prayer shawl ministry. We would be donating to local hospitals and women's shelters.

    These are beautiful patterns. You do very nice work.

    1. Hey Allison! I would be happy to send you all four patterns (yep, I recently added one), but you didn't give me your email. If it's because you want to keep yours private and not leave it here, just email me at biggirljewelry at yahoo dot com and I'll send them to you. I don't spam. I'll only use your email for this one purpose, but you'll get three separate emails from me, one for each Ravelry pattern and one with the two blog patterns.

      I will give you permission to copy them for your prayer shawl ministry so long as they all promise to use them as intended.

  9. I was brought to your blog from Twitter. I love the idea here! I would love to participate and pledge to make AT LEAST 4 hats, since you have added one more pattern. Being I am retired, although extremely busy, I anticipate making many more of these down the road and donating locally! I am going to join your site also. Thank you! My addy is~ cap55 at comcast dot net.

    1. In the name of my own good faith, and because you seem sincere in your offer, I will send you all four patterns, but please do re-read the post. My call to arms, as it were, is for each crocheter to make and donate at least two hats from each pattern. That would be eight hats, not four.

      Happy Crocheting!

  10. I love this idea. I would love the Big Girl Hat #1 and the Astro Hat patterns. I will donate the first 4 hats that I make from these patterns. Thank you so much! My email is healtopalm at netzero dot net.

  11. Please send all three patterns - i have a friend in need of a hat right now! i will send others with her to the Cancer Center of America when she goes for her monthly treatments! gretta underscore bauman at yahoo dot com

    1. SENT! Thank you for your participation. When you finish the first six, if you want more, a fourth pattern has been added since this post was written.

  12. What a lovely campaign! You'll never know how many people have been touched by your patterns!
    I would love to receive all 3 patterns and, yes, I'll donate at least the first 2 of each. I don't sell my work. I either crochet for friends and family or for hospitalized preemies. May I share your patterns with the women in my group ? We've just added chemo caps to our work.

    1. Hi Susan! Since this post originally appeared, I have added a fourth pattern to my arsenal. If you would like that one as well, please let me know.

      If the women in your group are willing to make the same commitment that you are, I will not complain if you share the files with them. I would love to see photos of your finished projects.

      All I need is your email address. If you would rather not post it here for all the world to see, then send me an email at biggirljewelry [at] yahoo [dot] com and I will send the files from there or from my newer email address.

      I can't even begin to express how happy I am with the responses all of you have dropped here on the blog! Thank you all so much for your participation!

  13. Hi I would love to get your free hat patterns. I donate to my local hospitals - the first was 72 hats then the second was around 35. I also crochet for family and friends. my email is queenmab@tsn.cc. I am Christine and I am from Australia. thanks for the patterns.

    1. Hi Christine!

      Thank you for stopping by. Every time I get a request for any of the patterns, I smile a little brighter. I'm thrilled to see this group take so kindly to this offer.

  14. This is a beautiful thing to do. I lost my mother in law to cancer. I would love all 3 to make and donate. My email is deegazzo@gmail.com
    Thank You So Much, Amazing talent :)

    1. Hey Devona! Three patterns are on their way to you. If you'd like the fourth as well, let me know. Thank you, one more time! :)

  15. Laurie I would love to participate and make at least 8 hats. I have a friend with a child who goes to Akron Children's Hospital in Akron, Ohio. He has a genetic blood disorder and is treated in the same clinic as the patients with cancer. The hats would be put to great use. Thank you for the patterns. beaudi414 at yahoo dot com.

    1. I just sent all four patterns. Thank you again for your participation. It means a lot.

  16. Could you please send me all three patterns for the hats. I would love to do them for my area for the cancer patients in memory of my Father who died of cancer and be sure it it be more then just too hats. Thanks so much. My email is donna2138@aol.com

    1. Hey Donna! I sent you all 4 so you'd have a variety. Thank you.

  17. I would love to have all three of the patterns. I have been crocheting mostly children's hats, but I would like to crochet hats for adults as there are so many adult cancer victims. My email is nanabond2010@gmail.com

    1. Hey B!

      All three have been sent and a fourth is available. If you're interested once you finish the rest, give me a shout and I'll send it along. Thank you for helping out.

  18. I pledge to make at least two chemo caps my email is spkinosh@gmail.com. Thanks! Suzie

    1. Hey Suzie!

      Thank you so much for showing interest, but you have to let me know which pattern you would like. As soon as you do that, I'll send your pattern.

  19. Thank you for this opportunity. I would love to make two hats, please send me the Earth hat pattern at aohler215@dot11net.net.

    1. Hey Angela!

      I just sent it. Thanks again for your participation.

  20. I would like the PDF for the big girl hat and have already made one for donation! My email is cjennnstergo at g mail dot com. (Yes there are 3 n's) thank you!

    1. Hey Jennsterrr!

      Thank you for stoppping by. Feel free to link us back here when you've finished your hats. I love being able to share readers' pics, blogs, and shops. I just dropped your pattern into an email.

  21. I would like to have a pdf of the Big Girl pattern. I will definitely make at LEAST two to donate as chemo caps. My email address is


    Thank you so much, Carol

  22. Finished the Astro Hat, going to try the Simple Earth next. Do you still want emailed pics, or posts to your page on Ravelry?

    1. Hey MH!

      The best place to put it is in your Ravelry projects and link it to mine from there. OR blog it and link to here. I love being able to send traffic to your blog. Unfortunately, I don't have the time anymore to post pics here. It's all I can do to keep up with my own posts. Huh. That reminds me....

  23. Hello Laurie, I would like all 4 and I pledge to donate at least 6 hats!!! I may just get going and not stop and have a whole bundle... :) This is a awesome thing you are doing!!! oh, and I found a few patterns I will be buying on Ravelry. ;) Thank you!!! My email is : lrudd33 at yahoo dot com

    1. Hey Leanne!

      My donation, my rules. I may sound like Scrooge here, but I need you to go back and reread the guidelines. I ask that you donate two hats per pattern. 4x2= 8, not 6. Please let me know which three patterns you would like or whether you can commit to the full 8.

      I'm sorry if I sound witchy, but I believe my intentions in the post are clear.

      Thank you :)

  24. Hi Laurie! I came across your blog while searching for patterns for chemo caps. I'm a little confused, I only saw 3 caps, the Astro, the Big Girl, and the Simple Earth Hats, but you mentioned 4 patterns to the previous poster. I will be donating at least 2 hats of each pattern that you send! Thanks ! Lisa
    lbailets13 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Lisa!

      Yes, there are actually four patterns and I will get those out to you right away. Two of them are pretty similar: the Blog Collection Beanie and the Big Girl Hat #1.

      Thank you so much for your participation.

  25. Hi Laurie!
    Thank you for offering free pdf downloads for 2 donated. Such a great thing.
    I promise to donate the first 2 hats I make to a chemo treatment center/hospital.
    I would like the Big Girl Hat #1 please.
    My email is peggy savory at rocket mail dot com.
    Have a great day!

    1. I just sent it. Thank you so much for participating.

  26. I would be honored to make and donate two of your Big Girl hats in exchange for the pattern. What a wonderful idea. My email address is daisiesndandelions at gmail dot com.

    1. It should be in your mailbox. If not, double-check your spam folder. Enjoy the pattern and thankyou so much for pledging to make two for charity.

  27. I would very much like to have all three of your patterns. I was asked to make hats to donate to a rehabilitation center locally. I will make as many as my stash can produce. I will send some pictures once they are completed. Thank you so much!

    1. Oops I forgot to include my email

    2. Assuming the three you meant were the original three, those are the files I've sent. Thank you so much for participating.

      Hapy Crocheting!

  28. Love to have and make big girl hats swtp1221@yahoo.com

    1. Hi Carrie! I'm so sorry my reply to you was late. I hope you've received those patterns and enjy them. Thank you so much for your inquiry.

  29. I may have hit sign out instead of publish on my previous request, duh. I would be happy to donate 2 hats per pattern and would like to have all 4 patterns. I have time to crochet at the local infusion center where my DH is being treated. I see the need and know they are appreciated. janicegillis at yahoo dot com

  30. Hi Janice!

    Thank you for your generosity. Those files are on their way.

  31. I donate hats to soldier boxes, I recently donated some elaborate children's hats to be auctioned off at a fund raiser for a young man with leukemia.
    I would be honored to make astro hats for boys or men and big girl hats for women or girls.
    Thank you
    constables at maxwire dot net

    1. Hi Stacy! The two patterns are on their way from two separate sources. Be on the lookout. And thank you for your participation.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. I would like a PDF of the Big Girl pattern to make chemo hats for my sister. geniemom at cox dot net

    1. It's on its way, Marcie. I wish the best for your sister.

  34. Please send me all four beautiful hat patterns to okeedokeerd at gmail dot com I pledge to make eight hats in conjunction with my churches Appalachian monthly support project; so many are without jobs and living in poverty. Thanks you so much for your kindness, Ruby Dowd

  35. I pledge to make at least two hats for chemo patients at our local hospital. Thank you for your generosity. Please send the Big Girl hat pattern to carolnunn at ymail dot com.

  36. I pledge to make at least two hats for chemo patients at our local hospital. Thank you for your generosity. Please send the Big Girl hat pattern to carolnunn at ymail dot com.

  37. I would be delighted to receive the four free patterns you are offering, and will happily donate at least 8 hats to a local charity here in Northern Ireland. M Gormley eight eight eight at G Mail dot com.

  38. I will pledge to make hats for my local hospital
    My baby sister died of cancer several years ago.
    I would like the big girl hat.
    Thank you for doing this. ������������
    My email address is happy.feet.059@gmail.com

  39. Somehow I found your blog today and found the pattern for the crocheted hat. I am absolutely no good at crocheting. I was hoping there was a knit pattern. I am a breast cancer survivor and I have two grandsons who were preemies. I knit a few chemo hats and several hats for preemies each year. It's just easier to knit those little hats. Thank you for what you are doing to inspire others to make for others who need encouragement at a tough time. I just had a repair to my lumpectomy site at the surgeon's encouragement. I was just going to let it go since I thought it was only an irritant to me. He said since the site would bleed, scab over, and then be ok for some time, it was a possibility that cancer had returned. The only way to know was to do a biopsy and put it under the microscope due to the radiation (the gift that keeps giving). When I went back for my first checkup, he told me that when he took the biopsy, he was very concerned with it. The doctors see them on a routine basis and usually have a good feel about the diagnosis. However, God is awesome and there was absolutely no sign of cancer. One of my good friends has a very close cousin that is battling pancreatic cancer. It has been a tough battle for her from the beginning - just losing her hair was a big challenge for her. I had hair to my waist when I was diagnosed and immediately got it cut and donated it. I have donated 3 times since and thought I was done. Then God put it in my heart to donate at least one more time at the age of 64. BTW, from what I read on one of your posts, we may be neighbors - I live in a suburb of Tulsa. Again, thanks for encouraging others to give to those who need a lift up.

  40. I have a very special friend who has been going through kemo and fighting recurring cancer since her mid 20's. Since we are on opposite coasts, and I cant be there for her, Im finding your request for donations a perfect opportunity to tell her how much i care, and send the others, which she can distribute at her hospitals in Virginia to friends shes met there, a perfe t repayment for your time in creating the pattern, and mine in making. I would love to have any and all sent to bnchasroop@gmail.com
    BTW, I love all your creations!!!

  41. I have been through chemo Twice, so I know the value of these hats to folk going through chemo. If you willsend me all three patterns, I will make LOTsS of hats to donate. Please send to ddpilcher@charter.net. Thanks so much.

  42. Hi my name is Debbie and I am making hats for the homeless for next fall and I would love as many of your patterns that you would be willing to share. I plan on making a hundred hats I hope I meet my goal. My addy is faked@comcast.net. thanks

  43. My name is Nancyjo, and my best adopted mom is in last stage colon cancer. She crocheted for me for many years and tried to teach me how but timing just wasn't right. Age changes things, I started to crochet last year and have decided to crochet chemo hats in her honor. She is 96 and has been there for me for the last 42 years as my mom. I would love any of your patterns you would love to share and commit to your request for 2 for each pattern. Though I will be making more. My email is nanajobrooks at Hotmail dot Com. THANK YOU!

  44. May I have the simple earth toque please? I promise to donate at least 2 hats to Jack Addy Cancer Centre in Lethbridge Alberta. Thank you. My email is n dash Bueckert at hotmail dot com

  45. I'd looove to make a 'big girl hat' for my mom!
    Sincerely, Roos

  46. I would make extra Big Girl Hats as gifts.


  47. I would like to make the Girl Hats to donate in honor of my niece, who is paranoid schizophrenic.

  48. I have to make about 150 hats by next Christmas for 5 year olds. All will be donations from our Lions club. I have to have a variety of hat patterns, because I'm not very good at making multiples of anything. Once I'm bored with a pattern, I don't make it again. My email "joy knoll at g mail dot com"

  49. I love this project. I pledge to donate two hats to the chemo unit my Aunt attends in Denver. I would love to make the big girl hat for the patients there (and my Aunt). My email is : Cathy_89128@yahoo.com.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  50. This is quite an awesome post and very useful for me. Thanks for sharing and keep it up...
    Wholesale Promotional Beanies

  51. what a fabulous idea. I'm happy to pledge all my hats. I just love to crochet, so to be able to pass them on to someone who needs support makes my crafting worthwhile. My email address is pmca61 at gmail dot com

  52. I pledge to give the first two hats I make to the chemo unit in Steamboat Spgs CO as my sister is fighting cancer. I would love to make her the Big Girl Hat. mw6822601@gmail.com
    Thank you for the wonderful pattern. 💖

  53. Hi Laurie, I came across your blog collection beanie on Ravelry and loved it. Finished it up to donate to a local mental health facility that I donate hats to every year. I also donating to HatsNotHate.org, an anti-bullying organization, and would love to use all 3 patterns (if possible) for these endeavors. If this offer is no longer available, that's OK, I will be happy with the one pattern that I already have. Thanks, Eileen

  54. It looks like I need to provide my email address. It's ecantwell69@gmail.com

  55. Hi Laurie, I would love the Big Girl Hat #1 pdf please. I am making hats on an ongoing basis for our local public elementary schools that need them. This winter I have donated over 25 hats so far. My email is 4chmie@gmail.com
    Thank you Larisa from WI

  56. Hello Laurie, is it too late to get a pattern for the Big Girl Hat? I would like to make and donate to an Australian charity called KOGO....knit one, give one....I have made blankets, beanies, scarves for this charity. The Big Girl hat is so lovely!.... suzycshore at dot com dot au
