"No matter how terrified you may be, own your fear and take that leap anyway because whether you land on your feet or on your butt, the journey is well worth it."
-- Laurie Laliberte
"If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough."
-- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."
-- Anais Nin

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Miles Cressman

Miles is one of the youngest contributors to the Resistance Front anthology. Miles' short story submission "Deconstruct," is quite unexpected and clever. He's also the author of The Dream Metropolis.

Miles first novel, The Dream Metropolis
is available on Amazon
in print and Kindle format.

Dark chocolate black evening
Butterscotch streetlights
And the angelic grace of a passing by car
Some sorrowful electronic song blaring through his earbuds
The world is silent.

He walks to the beat of his own feet
the tapping upon the concrete his lone song.
Familiar faces and familiar places beckon and call
And he waves at them like each one's nothin' more
than a passing memory.

But he feels discontent
There's a kink in the machine
Throwin' off his tilt, going against his grain
He doesn't know what it is but it's tearing him asunder
Piece by piece like a short story
that doesn't quite work.

The color of his battle is unknown
a melange of paints and dyes and bleaches
And when you throw them together against a wall
it comes out intangible
and so he continues down the path, the faces now a blur.

Rejections and revelations
All smattering together at once
Overloading, oversensualizing
He can't deal with it all at once so he hides
Waiting... always waiting.

Into a mirror he looks
At the sagged eyes and the unshaven nascent beard
Specifically at the vessels of sight he sees
In them no beginnings
Only the promises of endings.

Miles is a 22 year old recent graduate of the University of Oregon with a Bachelor's in English. He is currently going back for his postbac degree in Education, but in his spare time he writes novels. Currently, he is at work on a four-part science fiction series called A Paean to Dreams.

Visit Miles's website:  http://paeantodreams.wordpress.com/

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